Community Service Report: May 2015

Revesby Workers’ Tennis Club Elite Players Jesse and Beau receiving their awards from Director Dennis Hayward.
The past few weeks have seen a number of special events for members of Revesby Workers’ Club and sub clubs. Together with the selection committee of the Canterbury Bankstown District Tennis Association (CBTA) I have had the privilege of discussing nominations for the (CBTA) Elite Player Award and choosing three outstanding nominees to recognise and provide a monetary incentive to further their tennis career.
Mr Jesse Mesa, Mr Beau Challenor and Mr Simon Albrecht were the outstanding players and we congratulate each player for their dedication to the game of tennis.
Revesby Workers’ Club also provides financial support to the Bankstown City Netball Association in order to assist in coaching younger players from the Bankstown district. Our own netball training courts, at the Panania Sport and Recreation Club, were recently given an upgrade to include training facilities for basketball. This included resurfacing, line marking for both sports and renewing goal rings with a multi-purpose reversible goal configuration.
Panania Sport and Recreation Club bowlers held an inaugural Charity Bowls Day at their rinks to support the Bankstown Hospital. The day was extremely well attended and supported by the “Mongrels Golfers”, Revesby Workers’ Cricket Club, new bowlers, young adults and the charity committee members. There were great raffle prizes including club vouchers, donated goods and a variety of vegetables to be won on a really hot day. It was a fun day and there was terrific interaction between all, young and not so old. Closest to the pin competition was won by a fifteen year old showing up the golfers and bowlers, congratulations to Mr John Wood.
ClubGRANTS have been opened for this year’s round of funding applications and we would be pleased to see worthwhile projects brought forward to the Bankstown committee for their appraisal. This is an area where your club, Revesby Workers’, can be of assistance in the local areas supporting elderly, disadvantaged and handicapped persons.
Caroline Chisholm special school has showcased their new bus which was jointly funded by the school, our club and the variety club. Our club Directors had the pleasure of attending the event which Mr Stephen Milroy, principal at Caroline Chisholm SSP, officiated in front of a large crowd of parents and friends.
On Sunday 5 July Revesby Workers’ Illawong Athletics are staging a “Fun Run” from the Sport and Recreation Club and the funds raised will be presented to the Charity Committee to continue the support of Bankstown Hospital accident and emergency department.
The popular Berry Markets coach will be departing the Club on Sunday 3 May for a fun filled day at Berry on the South Coast. Tickets can be obtained by contacting either Pat on 97723297 or Margaret on 97721398.