Executive Report February 2024

Dear Members,
We hope our members have enjoyed a lovely start to 2024. For some we are sure Christmas and New Year feel like a distant memory, however, we hope you all enjoyed a lovely festive season.
Having commenced as far back at 1986 with very little change to the structure, this year the Board approved a change in structure to the School Subsidy Program.
The School Subsidy program offered by Revesby Workers’ Club commenced back in 1986 when the Club supplied $11,000 to 22 schools in the local district. In 1999 the program had grown to fund 24 local schools with a $1,000 subsidy, a subsidy that was later increased to $2,000 in 2001.
By 2011, the subsidy amount was increased to $3,000 and the Club offered this to as many as 28 local schools, totalling $84,000. The annual subsidies paid to local schools align with the Club’s purpose of being people focused and community proud by contributing to the education of our future.
This year, schools were invited to submit an application to request funding for 2024 with the possibility of applying for as much as $10,000 to fund things such as a school project, a new educational program, a school event, or a sponsorship.
We received 19 applications of which 15 were successful in receiving their full requested amount or a partial grant. Congratulations to the following schools:
- Padstow Heights Public School – receiving $3,000 towards mathematics resources;
- Mount St Joseph, Milperra – receiving $3,000 towards umbrellas for student outdoor space;
- Menai Public School – receiving $3,000 towards main learning displays;
- Padstow North Public School – receiving $4,800 towards K-2 Robotics Club;
- Caroline Chisholm School – receiving $5,000 towards purchasing 3-wheel bikes ‘Join the Joyride’;
- Broderick Gillawarna School – receiving $5,000 towards music lessons;
- Tower Street Public School – receiving $6,000 towards a sensory playground project;
- Revesby Public School – receiving $3,000 towards a student wellbeing program;
- Picnic Point Public School – receiving $5,000 towards Kindergarten iPad upgrade;
- Panania Public School – receiving $5,000 towards shelter park seating;
- Padstow Park Public School – receiving $4,500 towards outdoor stimulus playground;
- East Hills Public School – receiving $2,000 towards their East Hills eats eatery;
- East Hills Public School – receiving $1,000 towards Dad’s Group;
- Brooklyn Public School – receiving $9,780 towards upgraded seating for the playground;
- De La Salle College Revesby – $3,500 towards the purchase of a panel saw for TAS.
As part of the 2023 ClubGRANTS program, Revesby Workers’ Club Ltd provided funding to Heart of the Nation in order to implement a number of life-saving Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) within the local community in locations where they can be accessed by community members on a 24/7 basis.
When determining where to place these AEDs, we needed to consider things such as accessibility and a location that is highly populated. In light of this, we are putting a call out to our members and community to determine if any business, schools, local churches or residents would be interested in acting as a guardian of an AED.
What is Involved
Should we receive expressions of interest, we will select approximately 4 recipients (with a view to funding further defibrillators in future ClubGRANTS programs) and arrange for Heart of the Nation to install an AED for you.
We would ask that you as a “Guardian” of the AED help maintain the integrity of the device noting that a guardian is not responsible for any damage, simply ensuring the AED is well kept and report any damage that may occur so Heart of the Nation can assist you in the maintenance of the device.
Community Responders
Should anyone express interest in housing an AED and want to be further involved, you may wish to become a “Community Responder”. By downloading the Heart of the Nation app, you would be set up to receive alerts when an AED is required nearby and can deliver the life-saving machine to a local in the community and potentially save their life.
How to get Involved
If you are interested in finding out more about the Heart of the Nation program and how you can participate, please contact the Club’s Executive Assistant Tenielle Symington at tenielles@rwc.org.au.
We would like to remind VIPs, Members and Guests of our Anzac Day Ceremony scheduled for 10.30am on Thursday, 25 April 2024. Similar to last year, we are looking forward to the march from Bankstown YMCA through to the Cenotaph at the Tarro Avenue entrance of the Club.
As always, we look forward to seeing our past Directors, Life Members, Patron, Directors, Sub-clubs, schools, community and members in attendance for a National Day of Remembrance.
As outlined in previous communications our members are well aware of the current renovations taking place in our auditorium and function area. With these renovations expected to take approximately 9 months, our functions team will have the extremely challenging task of finding limited rooms and function space elsewhere throughout the Club to cater for our regular users.
We once again express our gratitude for your patience and understanding during this time as we endeavour to assist as many members and guests as possible.

Daryl Melham AM

Scott Bennetts