Visitor Information
If you are not a current member and live within a 15km radius, you will need to become a member or be signed in by a member to gain entry to the Club.
Please Note: When purchasing tickets for shows or events at Revesby Workers’ Club the following should be noted carefully so as to ensure you are eligible to enter the Club premises.
The Registered Clubs Act has strict provisions as to who can be admitted to the licensed premises.
Entry onto the club premises is limited to any person who:
- is a member of the club
- is a guest of a member
- is a Temporary Member which means someone who resides outside the five kilometre radius of the club. However in accordance with its Constitution the Club elected to apply a 15 kilometre radius. The reason for this is to ensure that people who visit the Club have had their ID properly vetted thus ensuring a safer environment for its members.
- is a member of another club with similar objects to those of the Club
- is an honorary member
- is attending a function which is associated with the celebration of Christmas, is of a cultural, educational, religious, political, charitable, literary, professional, patriotic, athletic, industrial and community nature
- is a member of any club attending the club for an organised sport or competition.
Responsible Adult
A responsible adult must be 18 years or older and belong to one or more of the following categories:
- Parent, step-parent or guardian of the minor;
- The minor’s spouse or any person who, although not legally married to the minor, ordinarily lives with the minor as the minor’s spouse on a permanent and domestic basis;
- A person who is, for the time being, standing in as the parent of the minor, such as an uncle or aunt looking after children, or a school teacher on a school excursion.
A casual boyfriend, girlfriend, mutual friend, older brother or sister babysitting is not considered a responsible adult.
Suburbs within a 15km radius of Revesby Workers Club and affiliated Clubs
Temporary Members Registered Clubs Act 1976
The following persons may be admitted as temporary members of the Club in accordance with the Club’s Constitution and any By-Laws pursuant to the Constitution:
a) A person whose permanent place of residence in New South Wales is more than 15 kilometres from the Club;
b) A person who is a member of any other registered club which has objects similar to those of this Club;
c) A member of any registered club who is attending this Club for the purpose of participating in an organised sport or competition as provided in Section 30 (10) of the Registered Clubs Act (a copy of which is set out below);
d) An interstate or overseas visitor.
Temporary members must enter their particulars in the Temporary Membership Register.
Section 30 (10)
The rules of a registered club (in this subsection referred to as the host club) shall, unless its rules provide that the provisions of this subsection do not apply to that club, be deemed to include a rule that a full member of any other registered club or any interstate club (as defined in subsection (13)) who, at the invitation of the governing body or of a full member of the host club, attends on any day at the premises of the host club for the purpose of participating in an organised sport or competition to be conducted by the host club on that day shall be a temporary member of the host club from the time on that day when he or she so attends the premises of the host club until the end of that day.
Registered Clubs Act – Section 4 (definitions)
a) of a full member, provisional member or honorary member of a registered club, means a person:
whose name and address (unless the person is a minor), countersigned by the member, are entered in a register kept for the purpose by the club, and
who, at all times while on the club premises, remains in the reasonable company of the member, and
who does not remain on the club premises any longer than the member, and
b) of a temporary member of a registered club, means a minor:
who, at all times while on the club premises, remains in the company and immediate presence of the member, and
who does not remain on the club premises any longer than the member, and
in relation to whom the member is a responsible adult.