Executive Report November 2023

Dear Members,
At the time of writing this report, we have just held a General Meeting for the purpose of electing a Director to fill the vacancy left following the resignation of Kylie Wilkinson.
We would like to thank those members who attended the Club on Tuesday 3 October 2023 in order to vote at the General Meeting by-election.
We would like to congratulate Daniel Kurtz who was elected by the members at the General Meeting on Tuesday 3 October 2023 as Director to the Board of Revesby Workers’ Club Ltd. Daniel is the 42nd Director appointed to the Club and his appointment sees our Board return to a Board of 7 Directors.
A number of our members would be familiar with Daniel due to his current Presidency of the Revesby Workers’ Football Club since 2019. Daniel is also a Director of Bankstown District Football Association and has been since 2022.
Daniel has grown up in the area, attending a local school and is passionate about his volunteer role which enables him to give back to the community through sporting organisations that provide a structured and safe environment for people of all ages to participate and have fun.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Management, we welcome Daniel to the Revesby Workers’ Club Board and look forward to working with him in the future.

Newly Elected Club Director Daniel Kurtz.
We are proud to once again offer the Revesby Workers’ Tertiary Scholarship Program. Application packs can be requested from 1 December 2023 and applications will be received up to and including 31 January 2024. As we did in 2023, the Club will be offering 2 x $3,000 university scholarships and 2 x $3,000 TAFE scholarships together with $500 scholarships to outstanding applicants who are not successful in obtaining the $3,000 scholarship.
The Club has dedicated funding of up to $35,000 for this program annually, which will fund the $3,000 scholarships and honour the previous recipients who each receive $500 for every subsequent year of study, subject to satisfactory results throughout their degree (up to 6 years).
If you have any questions in relation to the 2024 Tertiary Scholarship Program or would like to request an application pack from 1 December 2023, please contact the Club’s Executive Assistant, Tenielle Symington on (02) 8707 6912 or tenielles@rwc.org.au.
The School Subsidy program offered by Revesby Workers’ Club commenced back in 1986 when the Club supplied $11,000 to 22 schools in the local district. In 1999 the school subsidy program had progressed to fund 24 local school with a $1,000 subsidy, a subsidy that was later increased to $2,000 in 2001.
By 2011, the subsidy amount was once again increased to $3,000 and the Club offered as many as 28 local schools totalling $84,000. These annual subsidies paid to our local schools aligns with the Club’s purpose of being people focused and community proud by contributing to the education of our future.
As the program has run for many years, we have decided to change the structure to offer the potential to receive a larger subsidy to fund a much bigger project within schools which potentially benefits many more students both current and future.
Similar to our local ClubGRANTS scheme run by Council, the Club will open a grant round and invite our 28 local schools to submit an application for funding ranging from $3,000 to $30,000 to utilise for things such as undertaking a school project or introducing a new school program, apply for sponsorship, assist with a school event or purchase items required by the school.
Upon closing, our Education Committee will review all applications and select a number of recipients to receive funding equivalent of the $84,000 that we provide annually. Further detail in relation to the revised program will be communicated to our local schools shortly.

Recipients of The School Subsidy program.
On closing, we would like to wish all of our members a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We look forward to welcoming you all back in the New Year and update you on the exciting things ahead for 2024.

Daryl Melham AM

Scott Bennetts