
Archive for category: Directors Report

Executive Report May 2023

Dear Members,

When the hot cross buns and Easter eggs disappeared from the shopping centre shelves, so too did the warmer days as we are now greeted with a much chillier start to the mornings.  We hope our members enjoyed a wonderful Easter long weekend and are preparing for another cold Winter ahead.


As many of you would be aware, at the recent 2023 NSW State Election, Kylie Wilkinson, the then Labor Candidate for the seat of East Hills was elected into Parliament, thus now making Kylie Wilkinson our Local Member of Parliament for East Hills.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kylie for her well-deserved success.  Kylie and her team led a strong campaign for a ‘Fresh Start’ for East Hills and we are very excited to see the improvements they make to our local community in the coming years.

For the members who know Kylie well, they would be well aware of her ever-growing workload as a Director of the Revesby Workers’ Club Board since 28 October 2018, serving as the Deputy Chair on the Biyani House Board and President of Bankstown Jets Touch Association just to name a few. Kylie’s new appointment as our Local Member has meant a review of her positions was required and it was for this reason that Kylie made the difficult decision to resign from her position as Director of Revesby Workers’ Club Ltd effective 4 April 2023.

Kylie has achieved a significant amount in her time serving as a Director for the last 4+ years.  Kylie was instrumental in the opening of the Biyani House Revesby Women’s Shelter, has had oversight of the newly renovated Rogues Sports Club and the introduction of Miss Iggy’s and offered support to her sub-clubs, namely Revesby Workers’ Football Club, Senior Golf, Revesby Workers’ Touch Football Club, Indoor Mixed Bowls and more recently the Scrabble Club and Australian Native Orchid Club.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am sure our members would join us in wishing Kylie every success in her new role as our Local Member and thank her for everything she has done not only for the Club but the local Community.


Last month Directors and members of the Scholarship Committee met with recipients of the 2023 Tertiary Scholarships.

This year the Club had 31 previous recipients receive their $500 scholarship for their ongoing studies providing a total of $15,500 to previous recipients.  6 of these recipients are in their final year of studies and we take this opportunity to wish them every success on the completion of their degree and as they look to join the workforce permanently.

We also received 14 new applications of which 8 achieved an ATAR of over 90, noting that these high achievements were very similar to last year and set a very high benchmark.  The 2023 Scholarship Program awarded 1 male and 1 female with a $3,000 scholarship and 12 applicants with a $500 scholarship totalling $12,000 to new applicants in 2023.  All of our 2023 recipients will receive a further $500 for each subsequent year of their degree upon submission of successful results.

This takes the total of Tertiary Scholarship payments in 2023 to $27,500.

An afternoon tea for our scholarship recipients took place on Sunday, 2 April 2022, an event attended by 35 of our recipients and their parents.  A special mention must be given to the recipients of the $3,000 scholarships in 2023:

  • Sarah Arnold who achieved an ATAR of 96.55 and will be studying a Bachelor of Science and Advanced Studies; and
  • Rashad Islam who achieved an ATAR of 97.70 and will be studying a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Exercise Psychology.

Congratulations to all of our previous and new recipients.


Renovations throughout the Club continue through to late May when the final stage will be completed.  We would like to thank our members and guests for their patience in what has been quite a significant renovation.

As you would appreciate, a renovation of this size takes a great deal of collaboration and planning between staff and tradesmen to ensure the project is executed in a timely manner and completed on schedule.

We would like to congratulate our Executive Manager of Gaming, Allison Gibbons and her team for the effort and significant time they have put into this project together with Executive Manager of Facilities, Simon Melham and his team for their ongoing assistance during the renovation itself which was split over 5 separate areas.

No project of this size is without its hurdles, however, all staff involved managed the process from start to finish extremely well while ensuring as little interruption to our members as possible.


We would like to advise our members that the Board of Directors are currently reviewing a proposal for a much-needed renovation to our Auditorium and Functions area in 2024.  A project team led by Executive Manager of Food and Beverage, Darren Foots is currently in the planning phase with architects and designers to discuss our requirements and design a new look and feel for the space upstairs.  The Board look forward to reviewing their proposal in the coming months.

Subject to Board approval, it is expected that renovations may commence in early 2024 and we ask that our members be mindful of the renovations in the near future as this means function rooms will not be available throughout this period putting a significant amount of pressure on other areas within the Club that are utilised as function spaces.

We will endeavour to keep our members well informed of the exact start date of these renovations once known and the expected timeframe that these areas will be non-operational.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to renovate the Club in stages in order to be able to continually offer our members a modern, enjoyable and spacious Club that caters to everyone within the Community.

Daryl Melham AM


Scott Bennetts



Director Reports February 2023

2023 has dawned on us all bright and clear. Unfortunately, toward the end of 2022 the Covid statistics increased again but it seems we have once more come through, and like the resilient community we are life moves on.

At the Annual General Meeting in October last year two new members were elected to the Board and have fitted in very well. We have had several Board meetings where they are getting to know the workings of the Board and the Club. I was very humbled to be elected Vice-President upon the retirement of John Rodwell and look forward to serving our members to the best of my ability while
holding this role.

Along with the new Board members there have been some reconfigurations of Liaison Director roles, with some sub clubs getting new Liaison Directors. I urge all members of sub clubs to work with their Liaison Director for the betterment of the group overall.

Your Liaison Director is available as a source of information, a link between the sub club and the parent club and to assist when and if problems may arise. See them as your group’s friend and you will all benefit.

Some of our sub clubs are seasonal and those such as Cricket and Little Athletics will be winding up their season just as Netball, Basketball and Soccer take on registrations and start to gear up for the winter season of sport. We wish all the players well and hope you have a season filled with fun and learning new skills while improving those already gained.
When you read this journal, the planning will be well underway for what has become our Annual International Women’s Day function on the 8 March, with guest speakers, entertainment and raffles there is lots of fun to be had at the luncheon and remember it may be International Women’s Day but we welcome our male counterparts too.

Funds raised assist to support Biyani House, our local Women’s’ Shelter.

The Club will also be holding an ANZAC Day service and this too is an event which I encourage you to attend. The service will be preceded by a March and is a poignant reminder and recognition of those who fought for the freedoms that we enjoy in our Country today. It is an opportunity for members of our sub-clubs to also participate in their club colours and honour the servicemen and women of Australia.

Christine Butters, Vice President

Here we are in 2023 already!  After several years of disruptions due to the Coronovirus Pandemic, we seem to have settled into a “new normal”, learning to live with the virus. What a difference having a vaccine has made.

2022 was a year of major disruptions to many of our sporting sub clubs with flooding and ground closures causing major inconvenience. However, our thoughts and prayers go out to those throughout the country who have been extremely impacted by flooding, losing all they own, their homes, livelihoods, crops, stock etc. Nature certainly can be very cruel at times.

Australians are a very resilient lot, and, as they say…life goes on!  Throughout our sub clubs there were lots of great achievements and celebrations – be it Lawn Bowls, Little Athletics, Cricket, Swim Club, to list just a few.  There was great excitement in the Presidents’ Lounge during the Commonwealth Games when Revesby Workers’ Swim Club’s young swimmer, Abbey Connor swam for Australia and did the country proud.

Abbey was not the only Revesby Workers’ representative in the Australian contingent at the Commonwealth Games. Former junior cricketer, Ash Gardner also represented Australia in the star-studded Australian women’s cricket team.

There are many sporting and common interest sub clubs within Revesby Workers. Focus is on participation, so if you are looking to get active or broaden your interests and friendship groups, I invite you to explore the list of sub-clubs included in this Journal.

The Club’s Charity Committee (which I am privileged to Chair) has continued to raise funds to assist the local community. The last few years have provided little opportunity for fundraising events, however after several postponements due to COVID, we were finally able to hold our Christmas in July dinner, and had lots of fun in the process. We are most grateful for the support provided to the Charity by Revesby Workers’ Club through our Friday night Meat Raffles at Revesby Workers’ Sports Club and through ticket sales for Seniors Concerts.

We look forward to a great year for Revesby Workers’ Club in 2023.

Christine Benham, Director

Executive Report February 2023

Dear Members,

We hope you all enjoyed a lovely festive season and holiday period. Whether you hosted Christmas or if you visited family, holidayed interstate or overseas, we hope you started 2023 in a positive way.


Following the retirement of John Rodwell and Ian Stromborg OAM at the conclusion of the 2022 Annual General Meeting, the results of the election for Board of Directors was announced confirming that David Raper and Linda Downey would be joining the Board of Directors at Revesby Workers’ Club.

David has been a member of Revesby Workers’ Club for over 35 years and was previously the Vice President of the Revesby Workers’ Men’s Bowling Club until his commencement on the Board. Born and raised in Revesby, David Raper now resides locally in Panania and has done so for the last 15 years. David has taken over the Liaison Director duties for the Revesby Workers’ Billiards and Snooker Club, Revesby Workers’ Darts Club and Revesby Workers’ Spearfishing Club.
Linda is no stranger to the Club having been awarded Life Membership on 27 October 2019. Linda is a Councillor of Canterbury Bankstown City Council and served as the Mayor of Bankstown in 2014-2015 and Deputy Mayor in 2021. Linda is a careers advisor at a local High School and has been associated with Revesby Workers’ Club for many years.

It must be recognised that with the addition of Linda to the Board of Directors, it is the first time in not only the Club’s history but also amongst large Clubs in NSW that female Directors outnumber the males.

We have welcomed both David and Linda to the  Board and hope you join us in congratulating them and wishing them all the best for their term.


Following the AGM in October last year, the Board elected Christine Butters as Vice President unopposed to replace John Rodwell. While Christine has said on a number of occasions that she believes she has big shoes to fill, we are extremely confident that the right person for the position has been appointed.

Christine Butters was elected to the Board on 29 September 2010. Her service not only to the Club but to the community is immeasurable. Christine is the Liaison Director for Revesby Workers’ Garden Club, Revesby Workers’ Ladies Group, Senior Athletics, Marine Rescue, Mooney Mooney Bowls Club and Money Mooney Fishing Club. Christine is also our Liaison Director for the Mooney Mooney Club and she holds strong ties with staff and members in that area.

Christine is a Life Member not only of Revesby Workers’ Club but also the Revesby Workers’ Little Athletics Club where she is also the President. Her dedication and support for all things community made it a very easy decision to elect her as the Vice President to recognise her tenure to date. Her passion for the Club and its members will ensure a very positive future for the Revesby Workers’ Group.


As outlined in our last Journal, the cheque presentation ceremony for our school subsidy program took place on 7 November 2022. Our Directors had the privilege of providing the $3,000 subsidy to each local primary and high schools in the local area. These donations help fund key projects and/or initiatives in our local schools which benefit students from kindergarten all the way through to Year 12. We would like to thank those who attended the cheque presentation ceremony and look forward to seeing them again next year and determining what they plan to use their 2023 funding on.


In recent times it has been our goal to offer a wider range of venues to introduce a new demographic into the Club while maintaining and improving current areas of the Club for our regular longstanding members. With the opening of Rogues Sports Bar occurring on 14 December 2021, renovations to the gaming floor and Miss Iggy’s commenced shortly thereafter, with the main gaming floor aiming for a completion date in April 2023.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful staff involved in the numerous renovations throughout the Club in 2022 and into the early part of 2023. These projects are not completed by a handful of staff, they require input from all areas of the business. From Marketing, Food and Beverage, Gaming, Maintenance, IT through to Operations. Our Senior Managers and their teams contribute significantly to the work and without their contribution, the renovations and opening of new outlets in the Club would not be possible.

We continually look to improve our Club for our members and guests and are very excited to see the hard work pay off as these new venues open. Looking to the future, we have plans to undertake a much needed upgrade to our Auditorium and Functions area in 2024 and will provide more detail as the scoping of the project commences.

Daryl Melham AM


Scott Bennetts


John Rodwell – Final Vice President Report | November 2022

John Rodwell – Final Vice President Report | November 2022

John Rodwell

John Rodwell

Vice President

New Board

By the time you read this the Club will have held its biennial election and will have a new Board of Directors for the next two years. A couple of us familiar faces will not be there. By the annual general meeting in late October, I will have served 15 years as a Director and twelve as Vice-President. I am happy to hand over to two new Directors whom I am sure will join with the re-elected Directors to do a sterling job as custodians of the Club’s traditions and progressive program. It has been an honour and a pleasure to represent the members of the Club and to contribute to the development of the facilities and services which I believe are second to none. No institution can do everything, so the Board must make regular decisions on what is in the members’ best interests overall and allocate the Club’s substantial financial and human resources into those areas which have most need and will have most impact.

60th Anniversary

On Saturday 10th September the Club celebrated its 60th anniversary with a wonderful night of dinner and entertainment in the iconic Whitlam Theatre. President Daryl Melham had energetically contacted the families of our foundation office bearers and members to ensure representatives were present, including the daughter of our first president, Jack Dickens, and family of Brien Higgs, our first Secretary Manager.

Current and past staff joined with representatives of our sporting clubs and interest groups as well as a cross-section of members of the Club. All who attended were given a 60th anniversary souvenir keyring and a USB/thumb drive, containing the full club history, True to our Traditions, by Gary Lester, produced for our 50th anniversary, and a supplement covering the past 10 years. If anyone wishes to purchase any extra USBs containing the history book or any further keyrings, they can be purchased at Reception at the Tarro Ave entrance. The drives cost $2, with the proceeds being donated to the Asbestos Diseases Research Foundation. Keyrings cost $5, with proceeds being donated to the Bill Bullard Charity Committee.

Liaison with Sub-Clubs

Directors of the Club have a number of roles. As officers of a registered company, preparation for and attendance at Board meetings is the most formal and important. I estimate that in my 15 years I have attended well over 200 such meetings, ranging from the regular monthly meetings to extraordinary meetings, such as on planning, required from time to time. Membership of sub-committees is also important, both standing ones like the Scholarships Committee, or short-term and ad hoc. However, the most enjoyable role is looser and that is liaising with the many sporting and special interest sub-clubs. I have been fortunate to be associated with a number over my 15 years, and again it has been a privilege to be able to assist the committee members and general members of these groups.

Sporting clubs we all know as one of the backbones of our communities but less known are the special interest groups which provide recreational activities and support for so many. These are sometimes quite small and autonomous, while others have wider affiliations. I do not wish to leave others out, but I mention as examples of diversity the Revesby Writers’ Group, the Stroke Support Group, and the Australian Native Orchid Club. The unsung heroes of our community are the office bearers of these such groups, who along with the committees of sporting clubs, put in so much voluntary work. I have made many contacts among the members of our subclubs and, if I miss anything about no longer being a Board member, it will be the regular communication with them.

The Future

Revesby Workers’ Club is in the capable hands of a united and progressive Board, and a strong, committed management team. I hope to maintain informal contact with them and the many members of the Club I have got to know. I am extremely proud to be a Life Member and thank the members for their support over a significant and enjoyable period of my life. Lastly, I must thank my wife Rose-Marie who has put up with
my many absences, at meetings and functions, daytime, evenings, and weekends. If I ever dared to complain, she told me bluntly that I enjoyed it all. She was right. She may yet regret my having more free time.

Directors Report Club Journal NDJ 2021/22

Kylie Wilkinson Director

What an interesting and challenging year this has been so far. However, despite the COVID lockdown the Club has not been standing still and has certainly put this time to good use.

ROGUES SPORTS BARWork on the refurbishment of the Sports Bar has been moving full steam ahead. The newly named Rogues Sports Bar will see improvements that members can enjoy like a modern bar facility, two new large TV screens and a reworked TAB area. The Sports Bar will be serving assorted burgers and fries and have a seated area that opens up to the outdoors to create an open and light area to relax in and socialise.

In keeping with the tradition and history of the Sports Bar, the 6 full size billiard tables and 12 dart boards will remain and be relocated within this new space. The renovations are expected to be completed in early December 2021 so we will soon be welcoming back our snooker and darts players and sport enthusiasts to enjoy their new surrounds. I also would like to invite other patrons of all ages to explore and enjoy the new modern Rogues Sports Bar for a drink or a light meal.


Revesby Workers’ Club has continued to support the development of Biyani House Revesby Women’s Shelter which will open in November 2021. Biyani House is the only facility of its type in the whole of the Canterbury-Bankstown Council area and will offer great support for women and their children fleeing domestic violence. Revesby Workers’ staff have helped tremendously to get the shelter up and running by assisting with electrical work, gardening, replacing lights and administrative support. The Club has also contributed over $130,000 to the renovation and refurbishment of the home and will contribute each year to the ongoing administration costs of the shelter. 


After a long winter without sport, it’s great to see sporting and social clubs back up and running and members enjoying some long-awaited activities on the fields. Our Summer sports like cricket, touch footy and little athletics should all be back this month with our kids hopefully running around with their friends and teammates. And it is also the time for many of our other social and sporting groups to re-commence their regular activities and shared interests with their friends.


I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff who worked during the lockdown to ensure the club was in a good position to open again. Special mention to our Executive and the People and Culture teams that worked hard ensuring our staff were kept engaged and cared for during the period of the lockdown. It was wonderful to be part of the ‘Mental Fitness’ initiative the Club introduced in September 2021 for all our staff.

This program, hosted by media personality Gus Worland from the Gotcha for Life initiative, focused on keeping staff connected with each other, let them know they were valued and that their colleagues and managers really did care about their wellbeing.The Board and staff are delighted to see all the members back in the Club again.

We hope you have the opportunity to take part in some of the many activities the Club will be offering over the coming months, or to visit us and enjoy a drink or meal with friends.I wish you all the best for the festive season and hope you can catch up with family and friends at this time, or maybe even commence travelling again for your holidays.


Ian Stromborg OAM Director

As the Liaison Director for Revesby Workers’ Sports Club, which underwent a complete renovation in July 2017, to reaffirm its strong focus on the values of family and local sporting and social groups, I am pleased to update you on some recent changes.Whilst Revesby Workers’ Sports Club has two and a half well maintained greens supporting the Revesby Workers’ Club men’s and women’s bowls clubs, it’s important that the club be established as a true home for all our sporting clubs, which is why we have continued to work tirelessly on achieving this.

With this goal in mind, we have made considerable investments into the Club to make ensure it is a true destination. Earlier this year we appointed a new caterer, Alpha Global Catering. With a proven track record for success, Alpha Global Catering already operates several other bistros located at Seven Hills RSL, Fox Hills Golf Club, Pennant Hills Bowling Club and West Pennant Hills Sports Club to name a few.

The team got off to a flying start, pre lockdown, with many members raving about the menu variety, quality and value.Additionally, and just in time for summer, there have been twelve picnic style table settings added to the outdoor area next to the bowling greens. This will not only provide additional seating space but allow our members and guests the option to enjoy a cold beer and a delicious meal in the outdoors.If you haven’t visited Revesby Workers’ Sports Club before, now is the time.