
Archive for category: Our Members

Jim Finn Memorial Plaque Unveiled

Wednesday 7 October 2020, we paid tribute to the late Jim Finn, by unveiling a memorial plaque at the Revesby Workers’ Club Cenotaph that he was so instrumental in establishing. The Cenotaph is an important part of the Revesby Workers’ Club, established after the folding of the Hero’s Hill Sub-Branch, and remains a focal point of all commemorative and remembrance events that occur.

Jim’s plaque now stands as a reminder to his dedication to the RSL’s Sub-Branch and Revesby Workers’ Club (Badge 311). He is honoured at the Cenotaph as the first memorial service held for a member of the Revesby Workers’ Club.


Important Message for Members and Guests
COVID-19 Restriction Changes

What you’ll need for entry into the Club

Please have your Membership Card and Drivers Licence* out for scanning upon entry.
This is so we have a register of Members and Guests daily to assist in contact tracing.

*A valid form of identification which can verify age and address may also be accepted.

Your Temperature will be checked and once registered, you will receive a Sign In Slip, please return this to our staff when leaving.


By now you would have all heard that there are some new changes to restrictions from Wednesday 1 July. Below is a summary of how things will change for Revesby Workers’ Club;


Patron Numbers  l  The number of people within the Club at any one time will no longer be limited. However, the one (1) person per four (4) square metre rule still applies, and this restriction will determine the number of people that can be seated within each area.


Groups and Bookings  l  The maximum number of people in each individual group is 10. Bookings for the Clubs dining outlets are not available at this time.


The Function Centre  l  Bookings for functions within The Function Centre are now available. Each function room must adhere to the same one (1) person per four (4) square metre rule. All enquiries are to be directed to 8707 6919 by emailing functions@rwc.org.au or by visiting our Functions Centre Page.


The Sports Bar  l  This area will reopen on Saturday 4 July. The area will be open from 9am to 11pm daily.

The staffed hours will be as follows;
Monday: 5pm to 11pm
Tuesday: 5pm to 9pm
Thursday: 6pm to 11pm
Saturday: 12noon to 9pm


Activities and Entertainment  l  Snooker and Darts will resume from Saturday 4 July. Previously, the Snooker Balls and Darts were available from the Brett Street foyer. However, this entrance will remain closed for now, therefore, these items will be available from the Tarro Avenue foyer instead.

Please note that people using this area, as with all areas, must be seated (no standing or mingling) unless ordering from the Bar, taking their turn in a game or placing a bet at TAB.

Bingo will resume in the Presidents Lounge from Monday 13 July

Linda Downey Awarded Life Membership Of RWC


Linda Downey was awarded life membership of the Revesby Workers’ Club at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 27 October 2019. 

The Downey family has long been associated with Revesby Workers’ Club, dating back to when Bob Downey joined the club in 1966 and his wife Marguerite (Peggy) in 1970. It was inevitable that the family lineage would progress down through the generations, firstly with their daughter Linda and her daughter Jemma, who played netball for the clubin her youth and worked part time at the club while she completed her university studies, would follow.

For Linda, who joined the club in 1981, it was a big jump and one that is celebrated this year (2019) as she accepts her well-earned life membership of the club. Linda embarked on a career as a teacher, beginning at Sir Joseph Banks High School and from 2009 at East Hills Girls Technology High School.

While continuing her teaching career, Linda became restless, realising there was more to life and, in 2008, was elected to the Bankstown Council, representing the south ward, where she remained until 2015. In the 1990s, Linda had played a leading role in opposition to a second Sydney Airport at Holsworthy. Later, she led the local opposition to the major expansion of the Bankstown airport.

Mayor of Bankstown in 2014 for one year [from September 2014 to September 2015], Linda officially opened the Revesby Village Centre on Saturday 9 May 2015. With Canterbury and Bankstown Councils merging as one to Canterbury Bankstown Council, on 12 May 2016, Lindawas elected to the new council in 2017, representing the Revesby ward. The combined Bankstown-Canterbury Council became the largest Councilin NSW, by population, with more than 361,000 residents.

Linda was an active member of the Revesby Workers’ Club’s scholarships committee for the past 20 years and contributed to the selection criteria for the awards as well as participating in the annual selection process. She has strongly lobbied for further scholarships for trades training and for club staff.

Linda was an inaugural and continuing member of the committee of The Light on the Hill Society – the club-sponsored society which organises presentations by keynote speakers on economic, social and political topics, especially those relevant to south west Sydney.

Linda and her family have remained in close contact with the area they know best, around Panania and Picnic Point – for Linda, as a councillor and subsequently a mayor, and as a highly valued educator in the area, she has also enjoyed her hands-on role as a member of the Revesby Workers’ Club.

As a teacher at East Hills Girls High School, Linda has encouraged and successfully facilitated work-place training for students with the club. Partly arising from her representations, a pilot program to provide enhanced work placement opportunities for Year 11 and 12 students studying VETiS (Vocational Education and Training in Schools) was held.  Girls undertook hospitality courses under Revesby Workers’ Club staff’s supervision, a special three course meal for 25 guests in Bel Cibo, on 8 May 2018, for example. This pilot was so successful the program is being taken up state-wide.

Linda was awarded life membership of the Australian Labor Party in 2017;She is married to former long-serving Member of Parliament for East Hills,  Alan Ashton, and they have two daughters.

Members’ Anniversary Event 2019

Members’ Anniversary Event 2019

The Revesby Workers’ Club Board of Directors hosted a very special afternoon tea presentation event on Thursday 24 October to acknowledge those who have been loyal members of the Club and were celebrating their 25, 40 and 50 year Membership Anniversary this year.

A great time was had by all reminissing particluarly about when they held the key to the front door of the Club as part of the membership back when the club was first established. Each 40 and 50 year members also received a copy of the Club’s history book – and a commemorative certificate and badge.

Mega Members’ Money Major Winners October 2019

It came down to the FINAL 3 on Saturday 12 October as to who was going to WIN a brand NEW Honda Civic VTI! Congratulations to all of our WINNERS!

The Major Prize Winners Were;

Cuong Hinh 19885 – $5,000

Shmoel Huzairan –  $5,000

Julie Delman – Honda Civic VTI (Value $25,000)

Mega Members’ Money Jackpot Winners July 2019

Saturday 20 July 2019 saw our Mega Members’ Money jackpot to it’s limit of 60k with all the cash and a BRAND NEW Honda Civic WON in a huge night at Revesby Workers’ Club.

A Huge Congratulations to our winners!

Honda Civic Winner Jianhua Yang 5500133706


$5000  Thi Nguyen  28116

$5000 Lieu Nguyen  39309


Vale Ray Hopkins


Ray Hopkins, Past President, Life Member, Club Champion and champion bloke passed away suddenly and tragically on 3 June 2019. After playing bowls on Sunday he took ill and was conveyed by ambulance to hospital on Monday morning, had a massive heart attack on the operating table and couldn’t be revived. His sudden passing has given us all a great shock. Ray has been part and parcel of our bowling club for much longer than most of us have been members.

Ray has held just about every position on the bowls committee and was always a popular choice with members, he had a great skill in getting things done. He never gave orders, he never asked anyone to do this or that, the guys just seemed to know what he wanted done and went ahead with it. He loved to be with his mates, playing bowls, visiting different clubs, enjoying life to the full. He was a good all-round sportsman and played many sports but liked tennis and bowls the most and was a champion in both.

At the Fibro whenever a new member joined, Ray would take him under his care and partner him in some championship event, say the pairs championship and probably win it with him. He would do it just once then move on to another newcomer for the next time. They loved him for that. Col Heaslip, Ian Stromborg, Merv Elder, Denis Gallant, Ernie Wilson to name a few who were recipients of this kind gesture. Ray made friends easily he had friends everywhere and each of us believed we were his “special friend” and he was special to us. He treated everyone as special.

Rays funeral was held on the 14 June and was attended by a huge crowd of his family and friends. Best family friend and confidant Helen spoke of the good times she and her family spent with Ray and Dot, it must have been hard for her she held up well, but the tears came and why not? Ray was fortunate to have a friend like Helen. Geoff spoke for our bowlers, he’s not so tough, he shed too.

Hankies were out, it looked like sails on the harbour on a lazy Sunday. No shame in shedding tears for such a loss. A cheeky Ray might say “don’t cry for me, friends, just enjoy life cause you don’t know what’s around the b—-y corner.”

The tears of grief slowly turned to smiles in the Revesby Workers’ Whitlam Theatre as the “wake” got going and the happy memories and tales of the good times with Ray started to ease the shock of his sudden passing.

“Everybody loves Raymond”, three words that were never so true as today at this service. For those of us who believe, it would be nice to think of Ray and his charming wife Dot are together now on that great bowling green that we dream about, they were the perfect couple.

On behalf of the Bowls Club President Denis and our members our deepest condolences to Ray’s family and friends. It’s hard to believe that we won’t see Ray again, he will leave a big gap that may never be filled.

Rest in peace dear friend.


Seniors Christmas Concert 2018

The Seniors Christmas Concert was held on Thursday 13 December 2018, with special guests in attendance, Leader of the opposition Michael Daley MP, Cameron Murphy (East Hills Labor Candidate)  &  Chris Gambian (Banks Labor Candidate)

The crowd was treated to a wonderful Christmas lunch of Roast turkey, honey glazed ham with chat potato, pumpkin, carrot and peas and gravy with warm Christmas plum pudding with brandy custard for dessert.

Our seniors were entertained by Christian Guerrero and Monique Montez – a fabulous day was had by all. We look forward to next years’ Seniors Concerts, starting back in February.

100 Years Young

 May Church turned 100 on July 10, 2018. May has been involved with Revesby Workers’ Club almost since it’s inception in 1962 and joined as a full member in 1966, badge number 754. Due to licencing restrictions wives of members were not encouraged to join, although they were welcome at all times. May was one of the founders of the Revesby Workers’ Women’s Golf Club and was actively involved with golf until the age of 87 and won many golf championships. Like Cher sings in the hit song, May, “was born in the wagon of a travellin show” , on what is now Leichardt Oval. Yes, her parents had a travelling rodeo show and each of her 10 siblings had a job to do in the show, one of the sisters was actually the Australian Ladies Buckjumping Champion, while the boys were brought up similar to the likes of Jimmy Sharman’s Boxing Troupe and would put on the gloves for the show which travelled throughout QLD and NSW. Things got tough for the rodeo show as the years went on and May never actually worked in it as her father closed it down and finished up among other things, selling pony rides in La Perouse and on the site of what is now the Dental Hospital in Surry Hills. May is the sole survivor of those 11 children. One of her siblings made it to her mid- eighties the rest, most of whom were much older than May, died at much younger ages.

 May spent her early life in Sydney’s Surry Hills when it was a tough place to live. She left school at 14 went through the great depression as a teenager, finding work as a machinist wherever she could. One of May’s memories is of having to work on making the first Australian Flag to fly on the Sydney Harbour Bridge after its opening in 1932, she was proud of that and climbed the bridge in her nineties to see if it was still there. Looks the same! Sorry May! May got married in 1936 and was raising 3 children during World War 2 while the likes of Tilly Devine , Kate Leigh and the razor gangs were running wild, American servicemen were doing all sorts of things on their way to active service, sly grog shops were everywhere and many other illegal deeds were carried out in broad daylight in Surry Hills. May who had lived in this area all her life decided it was not the place to bring up her 3 kids. May was delighted when she got allocated a home in Peakhurst in 1950 and has lived there happily since.

 May’s family have all been members of Revesby Workers’ and her husband Bill was probably the first champion of any of our sub clubs where he won the A Grade Golf Championship in early 1963. Her sons, Kenny and Billy Jr, were both early members, while daughter Marjorie Elder and her husband Merv are still active Members of the Club. May joined the East Hills Golf Club in the 70’s and was a keen member there until it closed in 1990. All the while, she was still playing golf with the Workers’ Club Ladies. Golf was her great passion and she was heart-broken when she decided it was time to retire from golf at the ripe old age of 87, and those old legs agreed with her! She still remained active, playing bowls at Grandviews’ Bowling Club a game she had taken up back in the 80’s, but nothing compared to her golfing days. May still visits the Grandviews for a chat now and again. She is a tough old bird and has 1 daughter, 2 sons, 8 grandchildren, lots of great grandchildren and plenty of great, great grandchildren. That’s 5 generations! And still going strong!

 May is still a proud member of Revesby Workers’ Club and we doubt if there is another 100 year-old member who has 52 years of continuous membership in the Club… must be some sort of record. May still talks about the wonderful times she had with the Club and all the friendships she has made. 100 Years Young