
Archive for category: Our Members

East Hills View Club Celebrates 57 Years!

On Monday June 18 2018 the ladies of East Hills VIEW Club celebrated the 57th birthday of their club with a gala lunch at Revesby Workers Club. The committee had chosen a ‘regal’ theme for this year. Many members embraced the theme and cape with tiaras, long gloves and dressed in purple. One member even wore a long purple cloak with a 9fake0 ermine collar.

A great day was had by all. In addition to the lunch and delicious birthday cake, there was entertainment, raffles and even a book sale to boost their coffers.

For anyone interested in joining a wonderful group of ladies who, through their events help support the Smith Family and are driven by the mission of creating social change in Australian communities by empowering women to have their voices on issues of importance for the future wellbeing of Australian society,  can call Bev on 9771 5457 or visit www.view.org.au for further information.

Members donate In record numbers to Salvo’s Christmas appeals

The Workers’ Giving Tree this year was a huge success with over 1000 gifts collected to donate to children less fortunate than ourselves.
Over at Health Mates Fitness Centre, the Christmas food drive helped deliver non-perishable items to families in need, so they were able to celebrate Christmas. A wonderful culmination of food and gifts showing the wonderful generosity of our members and the community at large. From the bottom of our hearts we thank all those that contributed to such a successful campaign.

(Images. Above: Revesby Workers’ Club CEO Edward Camilleri, Salvation Army Major Sandy Hogg and Revesby Workers’ Club Member Gail Wright who generously donated gifts to the Workers’ Giving Tree. Below: The hundreds of food items generously donated to the Health Mates Food Drive.)


Club President Daryl Melham named in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List

Daryl Melham In Queen’s Birthday Honours

Congratulations to Club President Daryl Melham who was named in the Queen’s birthday honours list on Monday, awarded an AM for service to the Parliament of Australia.

Mr Melham said his work with the Revesby Workers’ Club over 36 years had also been immensely rewarding.
“When I worked there in the 1970s, we were selling 300, 18 gallon kegs of beer a week, and today we sell 100, 14 gallon kegs of beer a week,” he said.
“It shows the changing demographics of the club industry.
“We’re proud of what we’ve achieved with the club, which has grown from 35,000 members eight years ago, to almost 70,000 members today.
“We’ve diversified, offering a range of facilities for the broader community.”

Story appeared in: Torch | June 13th, 2017

Revesby Workers’ Giving Tree for Salvation Army Appeal


Revesby Workers’ Club and the local community have come together and donated more than 1500 items to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal.

The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal helped those doing it tough and supported around 300,000 Australians over the festive season. The donations from the Revesby Workers’ Club community during Christmas supported the appeal by giving much needed toys, food and gifts to others who need that extra support.

Panania Corps Officer Pastor Major Michael Hogg, said that the efforts from the club community has been great and it has all gone a long way for those who may not been able to have a bright Christmas.

“The kind-hearted, Revesby Workers’ Club visitors who donated around 1500 individual items including food, toys and a variety of gifts is a fantastic effort and will now go into the hands of families struggling to make ends meet.”

Revesby Workers’ Club are committed to supporting those struggling and encourage all members and guests to continue to support The Salvation Army through the entire New Year.