Your Birthday Gift will be conveniently placed into your membership card account.
Using your gift works in the same way you use your R-Ultimate Reward Points. Simply decide what you would like to purchase and inform our staff that you would like to pay using your Birthday Gift.
Your Birthday Gift can be used towards dining, beverages (non-alcoholic), show or event tickets. The Choice is yours to decide how you celebrate with family and friends. Birthday points are valid for 6 Months from date of issue, are not redeemable for cash and will not be affected by the annual points purge.
- Birthday Gifts are issued on the first business day of the Members Birthday Month for existing members.
- Members who join in the month of their birthday will need to wait a maximum of 7 days.
- Birthday Gifts are valid for a 6-month period from the issue date of the Birthday Gift, not the date of the members actual Birthday.
- The Birthday Gift can be used towards dining, beverages (non-alcoholic), show or event tickets.
- Birthday Gift notifications will be sent via paperless methods. If the Club’s Membership System has incorrect contact details that have not been updated or the member has opted out of receiving text messages and/or emails they will not receive a notification. The Birthday Gift will still be placed onto the membership card regardless.